What’s The Point of New Years Resolutions?

Happy New Year!

We’re now standing with both feet in 2017 and looking ahead to this fresh new year of possibilities. It’s common at this time of year to start thinking about what we want to do with this fresh set of opportunities and the blank slate before us.

What will this year hold?

Who will we become?

What can we accomplish?

It’s very exciting!

It’s also very intimidating.

Especially if you’re an educated adult who understands that New Year’s Resolutions are largely unsuccessful for most people. It’s a standard joke that our New Year’s Resolutions are abandoned by Valentine’s Day, or even earlier!

We may set lofty goals, create programs, or buy items to help us accomplish these resolutions, but statistics show that we aren’t more likely to stick with our resolutions more than a few weeks. So, what’s the point? Why even set New Year’s Resolutions at all?

It can be tempting to follow this logic and to avoid setting New Year’s Resolutions for 2017. “If I’m just going to abandon them, why set myself up for failure? Right?” But that’s such a cynical way to live our lives! Instead, may we suggest a few reasons why setting New Year’s Resolutions does have a point?

Why You Should Make Your Resolutions


It helps you reflect on the past year. If there are things you didn’t like, or failures you’d like to correct, setting New Year’s Resolutions can help you address issues with the past year.


Setting New Year’s Resolutions, even if they fail, can help you mentally and emotionally focus on an area that needs more attention. For example, if your goal is to eat healthier you may not succeed all of the time, but the added focus can help you to make healthier choices at least some of the time more than you would have without the New Year’s Resolution.

Humility & Improvement

Just the concept alone of a New Year’s Resolution indicates that we are not perfect and we have room to improve. If we fail at our resolution it doesn’t mean we are a failure at life, just that we had the courage to see an area for improvement and tried to take steps in the right direction.


More than anything else, setting New Year’s Resolutions helps you look to the new year with hope. You can have some optimistic vision for what the new year can bring, as well as the outlook that you can improve and enjoy life in 2017.

As we enter 2017, we hope you have a fresh sense of possibility and wish you all the success in your New Year’s Resolutions. Happy New Year from Mountain States Kitchen & Bath!