DIY Kitchen Herb Garden

Herbs may seem like such a small addition to any recipe or dish. Only a teaspoon or two is necessary, and it really doesn’t seem like it would make all that much of a difference, right? Well any chef will tell you that herbs can actually make all the difference to a recipe, if used correctly.

As seasoning, garnish, topping, or coating, herbs can be a signature point of a dish or just a tasty improvement. But even better? FRESH herbs. If you usually stick to the dried bottled versions you aren’t alone. They’re cheaper and easier, so it’s understandable. They still take your recipes to the next level.

Fresh herbs, however, offer even better taste, aromatics, and texture than their dried counterparts. If only they weren’t such a hassle to buy and use!

They don’t have to be. Did you know it’s actually incredibly easy to grow your own DIY herb garden right in your own kitchen? From the planter to the seeds to the recipes, you can create and use an herb garden all by yourself. Forget about paying for dried bottles of herbs, or expensive sprigs from your grocery store when you want them fresh. Instead you can pluck a few leaves from your own kitchen herb garden and take your kitchen to the chef level.


First you need to decide how you will plant the herbs in your kitchen. There are wood, cement, plastic, and other forms of planter boxes that can sit easily on a counter or windowsill. More modern choices include hanging planters, bottles, mason jars, and wall-mounted planters. Choose one that will work for you and your kitchen. If you’re unsure of where to start – just buy a few mason jars to begin!


Next you need to decide WHAT to plant. Start with the herbs you use the most. Basil, parsley, rosemary, chives, sage, and thyme are popular options for indoor gardens. Take a look in your spice rack to see which herbs you are using regularly in your recipes and then pick up some seeds or starter plants from your grocery store, a nursery/greenhouse, or home improvement store.


Fill your chosen planters with a moist, rich soil. Plant your herb seeds or starter plants. Place in an area that will receive acceptable light and determine how often you will need to water. Find a way to remind yourself or assign the chore to a family member.


Find a few new recipes to showcase your fresh herbs, and get into the routine of drying or freezing the herbs if they’re growing too long or going unused. (Hint: A small herb garden or plant can be a great gift idea as well!)

Take your kitchen to the next level with a DIY herb garden right on your own counter – fresh herbs means fresh meals!


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