A cramped kitchen is far too common, and probably the biggest complaint we hear from homeowners. You spend hours in there each day – how can you enjoy it when you feel like your elbows can touch all the walls at once? Whether you’re in a position to remodel or not, we have some easy tips today to help make your kitchen look and feel more spacious.

5 Tips to Make Your Kitchen Seem Bigger

  1. Clear those Counters. You know you need to do it anyway, but if we tell you it makes your kitchen seem bigger, does that motivate you a little more? The clutter prevents the eye from traveling smoothly across counters and to edges of the room, making it appear smaller and more dingy. Instead, keeping clear counters can make a huge difference in the perceived size of your kitchen.
  2. Rethink Furniture. While the late 90s and early 2000s were at time for ornate wood and luxurious chunky furniture, these options don’t help to maximize your space. Instead, look to streamlined options. Swap out bulky barstools for a sleek midcentury option. Choose a smaller table and lose the giant wood one taking up so much space.
  3. Cabinet Update. Changing up your cabinets is a dramatic and gorgeous option, though it may cost a little more time or money. Painting your cabinets and walls the same color gives the appearance of a larger, more cohesive room. Another great option is to replace your normal cabinet doors with windowed doors, which allow the eye to travel farther and makes the room seem bigger. You can also replace the older, ornate wood styles with a modern, sleek Shaker style for a streamlined effect.
  4. Light it Up. The lighter and brighter your kitchen, the larger it will feel. Consider removing your window coverings in your kitchen, cutting a larger window, or removing obstructions that prevent light in your kitchen – even doors. You can also consider replacing pendant or chandelier lights with brighter options.
  5. Remodel. If you’re truly committed to a larger kitchen, a small remodel job can make a huge difference without too much dust. Knocking down a wall or converting it to a half wall can increase space and light. Adding recessed storage between wall studs can give you non-bulky storage and display space. Reconfiguring your cabinets or choosing custom cabinetry can maximize your space and create better vertical visual pull that will make your kitchen seem huge and custom – but at an affordable price.

Make your kitchen the most beautiful and welcoming room in the home with just a few tips to make it feel bigger and brighter – you won’t regret it!

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A modern kitchen with white cabinets and stainless steel appliances

How to Design Your Kitchen For Functionality

Making your home look “finished” is a work in progress. One way to add a final touch is to install crown molding on your kitchen cabinets. Even on basic cabinetry, adding molding helps create a more custom, fine carpentry look.

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